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The 7th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics

6-9 October 2020
Sydney, Australia

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The 7th IEEE International Conference on
Data Science and Advanced Analytics

6-9 October 2020
Sydney, Australia

Uploading Paper/Poster Presentation Video

Instructions on uploading your paper/poster’s presentation video

Please provide your video URL at YouTube or upload your video file to by September 22.

There are two options for uploading your paper/poster presentation video. Note the presentation is up to 15 minutes for any accepted paper, and 2 minutes for any poster.

  • Option 1: You can upload the video to YouTube and then enter your video Youtube URL to Other video sharing websites are NOT recommended.
  • Option 2: You can directly upload the video to You are suggested to record your video in mp4 format. The filename needs to be track-name_paperID.mp4.

After you successfully upload the URL or your video file to the above website, a webpage will display the uploading confirmation. No confirmation email will be sent.

Notes in uploading your video information

  • 1. Authors of accepted DSAA’2020 papers and posters need to provide your emails (required) in submitting the above information. We’ll check your uploaded video. If there is any problem with your video, we’ll contact you or the corresponding author by email to fix the problem.
  • 2. You need to correctly enter your paper info (required), including your track name, paper ID, and paper title. This information needs to be exactly the same as in your camera-ready paper for us to match a video to a paper.

For enquiry on the format of recording video or video uploading, please contact

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